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Time Warp     IPDB #2568
manufacturer:   Williams

type:   Solid State Electronic (SS)

players:   4

cpu:   Williams System 6

release date:   September 1979


Common notes may include the following abbreviations:
NIB = new in box; HER = high end restoration; LE = limited edition.

Condition grades:
n/w = not working (complete EM games only)
decent = complete game, some wear, needs shopped
good = looks and mostly works fine with maybe some minor issues, and or some wear
nice = works 100%, very little wear, sparkling clean and shiny
excellent = near mint condition, very little use, no wear
williams, time warp, pinball, sales, price, date, city, condition, auction, ebay, private sale, retail sale, pinball machine, pinball price
we don't set prices, we just show you the facts
pricedatesale typecitystateconditionnotes
$2,4952017yearly averageebay salesdatacollected byBoston Pinball
$1,4252016yearly averageebay salesdatacollected byBoston Pinball
$5372015yearly averageebay salesdatacollected byBoston Pinball
$5422014yearly averageebay salesdatacollected byBoston Pinball
$7152013yearly averageebay salesdatacollected byBoston Pinball
$660May-13Online Auctionebay   
$660September-12Online Auctionebay   
$685August-12Online Auctionebay   
$875May-12Online Auctionebay   
$750March-12Online Auctionebay   
$265September-11Online Auctionebay   
$400September-11Online Auctionebay   
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Savin Livez
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